Dharma Home Suites

Four Common Problems Guests Face In Low-Quality Corporate Housing

Four common problems guests face in low-quality Corporate Housing

The professionals here at Dharma Home Suites , hope you choose us for corporate housing, but even if you don’t we still want you to find quality corporate housing. For that reason we’ve generated this list, giving you the common red-flag situations to keep your eye out for when choosing corporate or short-term housing.

Untrained or unprofessional corporate housing staff

Half the experience of traveling anywhere comes from your day-to-day interactions with people, especially the staff who handles the furnished apartment building. You aren’t going to want to stay with a housing company that has staff violating laws, acting suspicious, or who don’t maintain the grounds. All of these factors will greatly increase your stress experienced during your business trip.

Ways to ensure you don’t encounter such issues with the staff is to check reviews on sites like Yelp. Renters frequently report on building issues, thus giving future potential residents a useful warning/heads up.

Lack of maintenance on furnished apartment building

As stated above, a warning sign of poor quality corporate housing comes from staff ignoring their professional responsibilities to maintain the premises. As a result issues arise such as unfinished construction (a safety hazard), malfunction elevators, or general messiness.

When you come home from a day at the office you don’t want to walk through tall grass, walk 10 flights of stairs because of a broken elevator, and then finally leap over an accumulating pile of trash in the hall just to get to your apartment do you?

No one does. So do your research! Find pictures, reviews, previous owners, and similar information.

Mediocre building amenities

Another common red flag, that travelling professionals frequently encounter, is mediocre building amenities. So what even qualifies as mediocre building amenities anyways? Well, things like a pool that’s growing algae (if it even has water in it), poor Wi-Fi connections, or gross barbecue areas, are all mediocre amenities.

When you’re on a business trip you want to easily send your business report by email, while lounging about a crystal clear pool, and fresh hamburgers cooking on the grill don’t you? That’s why companies like Dharma Home Suites make such an excellent corporate housing choice.

Overpricing for all of this poor quality corporate housing

The worst part about companies, who have poor business ethics, resulting in the above-mentioned issues, is when they charge an arm and a leg for it too. It’s one thing if you know what you’re getting yourself into and the price is fair or all you can handle. But for a corporate housing company to promise a “luxury” stay and then deliver one-star quality service is just a complete and total frustrating rip off.

Don’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of. Knowledge is power, so do your research and even if you choose to stay with a company other than Dharma Home Suites, at least use us as a bar for standard corporate housing .
Thanks so much for reading and enjoy your day!
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