Hello World! Our new website
When I started working for Dharma in January, I could not imagine how much work would be involved in revamping a website for a small business. Building a new website is so much more than giving it a facelift. We had to step back and think about what the users need to know. There were many times when changing the website made us question our own processes, and we adapted accordingly. The team at Melen took our ideas and made them into a user friendly, HTML 5 reality.

We hope you’ll like the new features like the Locations page, where you can see how to get to common destinations on public transportation or by car. We’ve also created this blog and more information about our company. Get to know us better on About Us . New and loyal guests will appreciate the Special Offers page , which contains special rates for advance bookings.
I’m very excited about editing our blog. While we plan on writing about the company, we will also feature articles on healthy living, local events in the area and more.
We encourage you to leave comments and interact with us on social media.